Olivia is a senior at Tufts University pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering with minors in Food Systems and Cellular Agriculture. She is a member of the Tufts University Center for Cellular Agriculture (TUCCA) and has been conducting research in the Kaplan Lab since June 2021. Her work focuses primarily on scale-up and metabolic optimization of insect cells for cultivated meat applications. At Tufts, she is also co-Founder of the Tufts Alt Protein Project, a global student-group supported by the Good Food Institute looking to turn universities into catalysts for alt protein innovation. Following graduation, she will be working at Ark Biotech, a company designing bioreactors with the goal of bringing cultivated meat to the masses.
2024 Inaugural Festival Recap
Our Festival In Numbers
400 in-person attendees from 20 countries
40 Student volunteers
Full travel scholarships awarded to 35 students
11 food vendors at our World Cultural Food Festival
Representatives from over 30 companies at the Career Fair
$5000 awarded at the Research Incubator
$15,000 in prizes at the Idea Lab

Collaborators & Sponsors
Our inaugural festival was put on by a combined effort between the Tufts Alt Protein Project and Harvard Undergraduate Plant Based. However, it would not have been possible without the help of our wonderful collaborators and sponsors: